Montessori on Copperhill in Santa Clarita, CA is a renowned educational institution that follows the Montessori method to create an ordered and stable environment for children to develop at their own pace. With a focus on excellence and a passion for education, their high-quality learning environment caters to infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners, providing them with the necessary knowledge, thinking skills, and character development to flourish as joyous children today and self-actualized adults tomorrow.
At Montessori on Copperhill, each child is valued as a unique individual, and the Montessori education recognizes and accommodates different learning styles. With a multi-age classroom structure, students become part of a close-knit community where older students act as mentors and role models for younger ones. The school fosters a love for lifelong learning, promoting independence, concentration, and self-regulation skills in students, while also encouraging them to be active seekers of knowledge.
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