ModHelper was established by loan modification professionals who have extensive experience in the industry over many different platforms. Our team is experienced in every step of the loan modification process. From the qualification stages of a loan modification, to the quality control and underwriting process, as well as the negotiation and completion process. This allows you access to every bit of knowledge and ammunition you will need. Our one goal is to provide a simple solution to the reasons that 86% of loan modifications fail. At ModHelper we know that there is easier way to modify your loan.
The truth is that 16% of everyone who applies for a loan modification gets approved. The rest are left to face the hardship of potentially losing their homes without ever knowing why they were denied. ModHelper changes all of that. Right from the start of the process you will know if you qualify and what you need to do to ensure that your application get's submitted so that you are one of the 16%. We help you eliminate mistakes, speed up the process and maximize your chances of success!