The Constitutional acupuncture treatment had started in Korea at 1960's by Dr. Kwon, an well known acupuncturist in Korea. MJ started practicing acupuncture on 1999 and he adapted to the Dr. Kwon's acupuncture style on 2009. 8 constitutional acupuncture is a tailored medicine for individual's constitution. After analyzing your visceral system by checking the pulse, acupuncturist with special instrument taps the acu-points which generate your visceral system. The treatment will correct the excessive unbalanced organ relationship.
8 constitutional acupuncture is a tailored medicine for your unique body. After analyzing your visceral system through pulsation, acupuncturist taps the points with special instrument to generate your visceral system and correct the improperly unbalanced organ relationship. Special Programs Including; Anxiety, depression, generalize anxiety disorder, panic disorder Asthma Bladder Infection COPD Drug cessation Edema Fibromyalgia Goiter Hypertension Immune disease Infertility Insomnia IBS Low Back Pain Muscle Disease Restless Leg Syndrome Sciatic Nerve Pain