Started off talking to as many people about my business and advertising on craigslist I was able to find enough work to get it started. I was lucky enough to land a lot of work working for golden bear reality group. I helped restore and refinish a lot of old white oak floors, install vinyl, laminate, and some prefinished hardwood floors, also a little bit of carpet. Then Golden Bear changed names and management and hired only general contractors not specialty contractors. I was lucky enough to land some more work working for carpet one out of san Ramon were I still do the majority of my work now.
I am an Oakley-based floorer specializing in hardwood and luxury vinyl tile installations throughout the East Bay area. With 23 years of experience in all varieties of flooring, I am confident I can help your next project become reality. Whether you are looking for vinyl, laminate, or hardwood, we use the best quality materials and install with the best care possible. We offer fair prices, superior service, and the utmost customer care. Give us a call today, and we'll be happy to go over your next project with you!