I help you to identify and clarify your thoughts, feelings, and sensations, paying equal attention to mind, heart, and body. I look for where shame might be lurking and am comfortable hanging out in the dark places. I think that deep changes take time, and find value in the therapy relationship that builds over time. I completed a master's degree at the California Institute of Integral Studies in integral counseling psychology and began my training at Golden Gate Integral Counseling Center in San Francisco. I enjoy working with people who are thoughtful, sensitive, or came from difficult family situations. I often work with men who lacked good role models and who are defining for themselves what it means to be a good man. My identity as a disabled person has made a big impact on me politically. It has been my entry into understanding privilege of various kinds, the social model of disability, and radical intersectional feminism. It is through these lenses that I view and critique society. As a white, cisgendered, heterosexual man I welcome explorations of privilege and social justice. I have also been a student of astrology for several years, which adds a bit of order and wonder to my perspective on life. On the other hand, as nice as it would be to believe