My name is Michael Chavez. I am a real estate agent. No. I'm your real estate agent. And let me tell you why you chose me. I am driven by my passion for real estate. I network, canvas neighborhoods, do Mortgage days at local banks, and more. Why? Because I approach everyday as an opportunity to grow and develop. I approach every opportunity to sell or buy a home as if it were for me. I am all about the details. If you've been to one of my open houses, you'll know this first hand. If not, shoot me an email and I'll invite personally. I also am considerate of the process involved when purchasing or selling a home. Some agents will push people to BUY or to SELL NOW! That's not my goal. That is not my job. I push myself to fulfill your wishes, and let you, the buyer or seller, determine what is best in the end. I'll offer my input, in opinions, my expertise, my networking - anything I can do to help you make that important decision. My name is Mike Chavez. I am at your service.