Hollywood Connection is a renowned dance convention and competition founded in 2003 by Bill Bohl and Kimberly Rhinelander. With a mission to inspire and guide the next generation of dancers, Hollywood Connection offers a diverse and enthusiastic faculty, providing a safe and supportive environment for dancers to learn and grow. They prioritize respect, support, integrity, community, inclusivity, teamwork, discipline, and guidance, ensuring a positive and enriching experience for all participants.
Known for their exceptional customer service and commitment to excellence, Hollywood Connection offers a range of classes and performance opportunities, complementing in-studio training and helping dancers develop their skills and technique. With a focus on quality over quantity, Hollywood Connection fosters a community that values hard work, dedication, and the art of dance. Whether aspiring to a professional career or seeking personal growth, dancers at Hollywood Connection are inspired, educated, and provided with valuable opportunities to showcase their talent and pursue their passion.
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