Located in the basement of the Menlo Park Public Library at 800 Alma Street, this small historical association dedicates itself to preserving the history of Menlo Park and surrounding areas. The room itself contains memorabilia of famous residents and formerly existing buildings. These include small boxes of memorabilia which once belonged to jazz composer Henry Cowell and the Dibble General Hospital, which was demolished after WWII. Decorations include water color paintings of Menlo Park by Rachel Bently, a large photograph of El Camino Real from the 1970s, and a portrait of the historical Society's founder, Frank Merrill. The archives in the Menlo Park Historical Society are maintained by a kind man named Frank Helfrich, who has lived in Menlo Park for over 80 years. Holding extensive knowledge about Menlo Park's history, Mr. Helfrich often stays around the historical association a few hours after the official closing time.