Our team of experts relies on modern technology as well as on friendly service to offer you the best and most comprehensive treatment. Our three registered dental hygienists provide the highest level of preventive and periodontal treatment. Cheryl Bean, Berni Hovland, and Julie Loock are experienced and knowledgeable hygienists. They have combined experience of more than fifty years between them. Donna Gantt has assisted Dr. Marias for more than ten years. Phyllis O'Leary has managed the office since 1989. Our dental practice emphasizes the restoration, enhancement, and maintenance of your smile. We are devoted to creating and maintaining a healthy mouth using conservative techniques. We provide the personalized dental care and high quality dental treatment that our patients deserve. We provide a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient. When treatment is indicated, we review alternative methods for your care. Together, we tailor your treatment to meet your special needs.
Richard Marias, D.M.D. is an experienced dentist whose expertise includes cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, conservative dental restorations, as well as oral surgery, periodontal, endodontic, and preventive treatment. He is proud of the high quality and individualized treatment which he and his staff provide to his patients in a caring environment. His modern dental office is located at 500 East Olive Avenue in Burbank, California.