The Magical Mystery School opened because there weren't any classes available on the eastside or in downtown Los Angeles, CA so we started our own! Teachers, healers, psychic and facilitators from all around the world come to share their gifts, knowledge and expertise with YOU!
We offer a variety of learning for your Mind, Body, & Spirit. Alchemy, Cranial Sacral, Aligning Soul's Purpose, Ancient Civilizations, Angels, Astrology, Ancient Knowledge, Detox, Astral Projection, Astrology, Divine Feminine/Masculine, Astral Travel, Crystals, Fasting, Communication, Elemental Wisdom, Healing Modalities, Divination, Heart Brain Cohesion, Dream Analysis, Hypnotherapy, Plant Medicines, Hermetics, Kabbalah, Pranic Healing, Intuition, Life Activation, Prayer, Healing, Magic, Meditation, Priest/Priestess Hood, Medium-ship, P.O.L.R. Living, Reiki, Paganism, Qigong, Rituals, Psychic Abilities, Quantum Healing, Self-Healing, Relationships, Sacred Geometry, Sound Healing, Shamanism, Spoon Bending, Sufi, Telepathy, UFO's, Tai Chi, Wicca, Numerology, Tapping EFT, Soul Mapping, Human Design & Gene Keys