Our business first started in New Orleans, LA. After Katrina, my family moved to Costa Mesa where I continued Mac Help. I changed the Name from Mac Help New Orleans to Mac Help OC. Today we Have over 70 Clients and obtain more each week. Hope we can help you! Mac Help OC - We're on the way. Please Note: Our new address is 474 E. 17th St. Suite 204 Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Here is a small list of some of the services we offer: 1) IT Outsourcing 2) iPhone Support - Need Help setting it up? 3) Mac/Windows Cross Platform Integration 4) Wire/Wireless Networking - Airport 5) Internet and Data Security - Mac/Windows 6) Apple TV, Multimedia Servers, Network Storage 7) Hard Drive Failure, Data Recovery 8) Macintosh Personal/Group Training 9) Apple Mac Hardware/Software support/Assessments