Since its founding by Lynne Lussier in 1996, Lussier Productions has become renowned as one of the premier entertainment marketing agencies in the country. The company specializes in the conception, production and finishing of high-profile promotional campaigns for its clients encompassing all media, through its seven operating groups: On-Air, Print, Live Action Production, Radio, New Media, Motion Graphics and L2/Post Production. Among Lussier's high-profile clients are ABC, NBC, Fox, The CW, Disney, Warner Bros. Worldwide Television, Sony Pictures Television, USA Networks, Lifetime and Spike TV, to name just some. Lussier is the winner of dozens of industry awards and honors. Most recently, the company was the winner of four 2007 Promax Awards for promotional campaigns, including two for "Lost," one for "Grey's Anatomy" and one for the TV movie "The 9/11 Commission Report."