I started as a single private practice therapist. I never had the intention of growing a larger business, but it ended up growing as there is a greater need for people who do what I do. It started when an intern who was trained in the treatment of dissociative disorders called me asking if I would act as her clinical supervisor. It grew from there. As I formed what type of practice I wanted to run if other therapists were to work with me, I realized there is a real strong need for therapists who are highly experienced, trained in the treatment to trauma and dissociation. I stopped hiring interns because they can work as full time therapists in clinics, and decided only to hire highly experienced highly trained clinicians who are especially skilled in helping women, trauma survivors, and the LGBTQI communities. We have an incredible treatment team now! I am incredibly proud of the women who are my co-therapists here at LA Therapy Network! Call us... We CAN help!
Los Angeles Therapy Network: We specialize in trauma of all types. We have 6 licensed-therapist. We treat depression, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, Self-esteem, life transitions, relationship issues, identity issues, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and dissociative disorders.