The Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble, based in Berkeley, CA, is a renowned and internationally recognized company that specializes in the transformative power of playback theatre. Led by psychotherapist and drama therapist Armand Volkas, the ensemble brings stories to life through improvisational performances, where audience members share personal experiences and watch them enacted on the spot by a talented group of actors and musicians. With a focus on honoring, illuminating, and transforming personal narratives, the Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble creates a unique and powerful theatrical experience that celebrates the importance and dignity of individual stories.
As an affiliate of the International Playback Theatre Association, the ensemble has gained recognition for its work in transforming intercultural conflict and promoting healing through the arts. Through their performances, workshops, and trainings, the Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble offers a range of programs, including drama therapy, autobiographical therapeutic performance, and the exploration of myths and symbolic processes. With a commitment to fostering personal growth and connection, the ensemble invites participants to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing, using the power of theatre as a therapeutic act.
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