Immigration Assistance: Naturalization/Citizenship, Petitions for Family-Based Immigration, DACA, DAPA, U Visas. Prepare now for President Obama's Immigration Reform: (basic educational information, please consult with a professional as to your specific case). DAPA-Parents of Americans and Permanent Residents. Continuous presence in US since 1/1/2010, parent of a US Citizen or LPR on 11/20/2014, pass a background check. USCIS has not specified a date for receipt of applications. Expanded DACA-In US since age 16, lived in US since 1/1/10, graduated/GED or be in school, pass a background check. USCIS acceptance of requests for consideration of expanded DACA is currently on hold. Juvenile Dependency: Advocating for parents and caretakers in juvenile dependency court. Representing parents accused of abuse or neglect by DCFS.