Lakeview started out as a 6 child daycare, and today we offer care to 36 separate families! As the program expanded, so did the scope of the curriculum: we focus on travel from one contienet to another, learning to value other cultures and to enjoy the similarities and differences in the world community. As a full day preschool program it meets the needs of the working parent, while at the same time affords enough hours to provide enrichment experiences that the traditional three hour preschool can rarely offer.
Early Childhood should be a time that is full of wonder, magic and exploration. At Lakeview we strive to incorporate this mission into all that we do. Imagine spending your day observing insects in the garden, watching seeds that were planted push through the soil, or seeing how a tornado looks inside a bottle. Visualize dancing with wrist ribbons and butterfly wings, listening with wonderment to the stories woven by our storyteller, or creating edible art creations that will delight all of your senses. This and so much more awaits your child at Lakeview Preschool. We invite you to further explore our website and to contact us if you'd like more information on the WORLD of opportunity which is provided.