As a life-long student, Kylie maintains a fierce commitment to continue her education and research in the fields of both clinical dietetics and integrative nutrition. She received her undergraduate degree from Boston University and her master's degree in Clinical Nutrition from California State University, Los Angeles. Kylie completed her dietetic rotations at USC Keck Hospital, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (general), and Cedars-Sinai Tower Hematology and Oncology Medical Group. She also holds a personal training certification (National Academy of Sports Medicine), a holistic health coach certification (Institute for Integrative Nutrition); and she completed her certificate of training in Adult Obesity Intervention through the Commission of Dietetic Registration (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics).
- Customized Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance - Comprehensive Dietary Assessments - Medical Nutrition Therapy for Weight Loss with Prediagnosed Conditions - Emotional and Stress Eating Tendencies - Safe Weight Modification for Actors (role preparation)