Kiva.org is a non-profit that's revolutionizing the fight against global poverty by enabling people like you to make small loans to low-income entrepreneurs around the world. These loans provide affordable working capital (to buy sewing machines, livestock, etc.) thus empowering the poor to earn their way out of poverty. Kiva partners with microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world. These MFIs post profiles of qualified low-income entrepreneurs on Kiva's site, and then Kiva users browse through these profiles and choose entrepreneurs to fund. Kiva pools the money from these individual lenders (you!) and transfers it to its MFI partners who administer the loans. As loan repayments are made by the entrepreneurs, the MFIs send funds back to Kiva. Once loans are repaid, Kiva users can choose to withdraw their principal -- or re-loan to other entrepreneurs. Journal updates are issued throughout the course of the loan, so lenders can see how their loan is making a difference.
We show you where your money goes: Unlike donations which usually go into general funds, through Kiva you see exactly WHO your money goes to, WHAT they are doing with it, and HOW you are making a difference. Best part? It's a loan, not a donation. Make a small loan, make a big difference: Most of the poor around the world are self-employed entrepreneurs, and a small loan can dramatically improve the life of these entrepreneurs, their families, and their communities. Over 665,000