Keeping Pace Learning Center was started in 1999 in Elk Grove, California.
Expect More Than Just Tutoring When you call to talk with the director, Carol Hess you will discover how different Keeping Pace Learning Center is than the nationally franchised learning centers. During the free initial phone consultation you will understand that our services are specifically tailored to SOLVE your child's learning difficulties. Keeping Learning Center understands how learning difficulties impact the student and their families. After the initial assessment, we determine the program that best solves the difficulties that face your child. We are exceptional at helping parents understand the exact reasons for the struggles. Academic tutoring may be all that is needed and we do provide these services. Often though, if this is a persistent, longstanding difficulty some cognitive interventions may be needed to permanently solve the learning difficulties. Keeping Pace has several innovative, scientific based cognitive intervention programs to meet the needs of your student. Please go to our website for more information and/ or call to talk with Carol Hess.