Dr. Jordan and Dr. Pham have been in their current location since March of 2005. Prior to practicing in Rancho Santa Margarita, Dr. Jordan practiced in Brea, while Dr. Pham practiced in Diamond Bar.
Don't delay your dental treatment any further and schedule an appointment with your dentist in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, today. Dentists near me offer a range of services covering both emergency dentist near you and cosmetic dentistry, including dental implants, veneers, Invisalign, oral cancer screening, and general dentistry in Rancho Santa Margarita CA, the dentists here ensure complete dental care and treatment. Using advanced digital technology, the dentists 92688 here can conveniently make and fit your crowns on the same day, promising dental services for patients in this location and the surrounding ones. For any dental issues, book an appointment with a dentist near Mission Viejo, practicing at Jordan & Pham Dentistry.