While finishing up the Ph.D., my wife and young son arrived in San Jose, where I began a private practice in Individual, Marital and Relationship Therapy. I have been at the current location since 1976. After five more children, 15 grandchildren and several thousand individual and couple clients, I am still at it and love being a part of their success.
In the first session, specific goals and/or problems to be solved are determined; practical plans are developed and practiced during and after sessions, including cognitive-behavioral-relationship assignments; progress towards goals and/or solving problems is usually seen right away. At a subsequent meeting clients report on progress and/or difficulties in implementing the recommended actions, receiving additional assistance and guidance. The type of counseling I provide is principle and behavior centered and is referred to as cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT); it is also referred to as relationship, couples, and marriage therapy. I also utilize principles and methods from any effective source, including business management, coaching, education, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness, etc. For immediate ideas on solving personal and relationship problems, go to johnfishbein.com, where you will find helpful information, including over 300 pages from a book I wrote, Emotional First Aid: A Practical Approach to Common Concerns. In-office, telephone, and video consultations are available.