Ji Sung Taekwondo is originated from Korea under Grand Master KyungChan Kim. He made numerous World Champions in Taekwondo during decades. Master BoHyeon Kim at Ji Sung Taekwondo USA is one of the students of GM Kim and 3 times World Champion. He is also a member of Korean National Demonstration Team. He is very passionate and excited to meet new students at Ji Sung to give them precise instructions and lessons that he learned during past 30years of his Taekwondo Journey. He graduated Korean National Sports University with major in Taekwondo. He moved to US in 2012 to study abroad. He finished his master's degree in Sports Management at University of San Francisco.
Master BoHyeon Kim will help students in Taekwondo as a master and a mentor. His role as an instructor has been about 15 years for various age groups of students. Master Kim will give what is real Taekwondo that is from Korea. He will give lots of details and knowledges about the movements, so as students learn, they will demonstrate exact Taekwondo