Inward Bound Ventures, located on the picturesque Monterey Peninsula in Seaside, CA, is a renowned educational and consulting organization dedicated to enhancing personal and professional well-being, workplace balance, and overall quality of life. Through their expertly crafted seminars, in-service trainings, speaking engagements, and consultation services, Inward Bound Ventures empowers individuals and organizations to achieve their full potential by fostering a harmonious integration of inward perceptions and outward efforts.
Under the guidance of Dr. JoAnn Cannon, a holistic educator, motivational presenter, and esteemed Ceremony or Ritual Officiate, Inward Bound Ventures offers a diverse range of custom-designed speaking engagements, courses, seminars, and in-service trainings. Their transformative book, "Enhancing the Good and the wellness appraisal: What's Right With Your Life," further exemplifies their commitment to serving wellness and quality of life issues in workplaces, education, and management realities. With a profound understanding of the power of choice, Inward Bound Ventures strives to unite the inward and outward aspects of life, just as Socrates envisioned.
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