InterpreterEd.com was started by industry veterans to address the serious need for properly trained interpreters in the medical/healthcare field. Tens of thousands of people each day require the assistance of interpreters, yet not all receive competent service, leading to prolonged treatment schedules, overuse of tests, and delays in receiving service. InterpreterEd.com first developed an award-winning textbook and accompanying materials to make learning easy and enjoyable. We currently have four teaching locations and offer live, online training. We also provide a range of continuing education courses to ensure that all interpreters continue to have the training they need to be successful in their careers and to help make the lives of others better.
InterpreterEd.com teaches bilingual people to be interpreters in the medical/healthcare setting. We offer a new and innovative approach to training, with each course led by highly experienced, professionally trained, expert interpreters. In our courses, we teach more than just the rules and requirements, we help our students to succeed.