For over nineteen years, Owner Sid Sachdeva has built a skillset valued by his customers, creating a solid reputation and trusted business for Infomicrosys Corp. We are committed to providing quality service to the community, and believe that a reputation as an honest and reliable business is the recipe for success. While others seek to profit by cutting corners, or recommending unnecessary services to customers, we believe that a good reputation and consistent service will reap bigger profits in the long run. By being trustworthy, our company believes that we will enjoy a long term profitable business that serves the community.
Complete Online Brand Developement Logo Design Website design and development Search Engine Optimization or SEO Online Shopping Cart / E-Commerce An Up-To-Date Web Presence Internet Marketing Social web footprint, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ Flyer and Brochure Design Business Cards Photoshop Services Software Applications Mobile Applications Offset and Packaging Printing Services for Books, Magazines, Leaflets, Annual Reports, Brochures, Newsletters, Folders, Packaging Labels and much much more. Call us to find out what we can do for you.