Imperial High School, located in Imperial, CA, is part of the Imperial Unified School District and is dedicated to providing a purposeful and effective instructional program that engages all students in academically rigorous learning. With a commitment to maximizing each student's potential, Imperial High School aims to ensure that students graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve significant educational, civic, and personal goals.
Imperial High School offers a range of resources and support for students, including scholarships, activities, and clubs, such as the Associated Student Body, Band, and FFA. The school also emphasizes the importance of attendance and punctuality, with a first bell ringing at 8:25 am. Students are encouraged to stay hydrated by bringing water bottles to school, as there are filling stations available on campus. Additionally, the school has a dress code policy in place to ensure appropriate attire, and personal electronic devices are expected to be turned off and put away during school hours.
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