IMMIX Productions is a leading animation studio based in Houston, Texas, with regional offices in Austin, Las Vegas, San Diego, and New York City. With over 20 years of experience, they specialize in 3D animation, visualization, interactive design, and 3D modeling, catering to the advertising and marketing needs of industries such as oil, gas, energy, and renewables. Their comprehensive services include corporate identity programs, website development, print collateral, and more, all aimed at aligning their clients' vision with their success.
Known for their expertise in industrial and product marketing, IMMIX Productions offers cutting-edge virtual reality and augmented reality solutions, as well as motion graphics and 3D architectural animation. Their talented team is dedicated to integrating design elements seamlessly into their partners' overall marketing strategies, providing creative and effective solutions for branding and corporate training needs. With a focus on establishing and sustaining business relationships, IMMIX Productions is recognized as one of the top animation studios in Houston.
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