Founded by original Bruce Lee students, Dan Inosanto and Richard Bustillo, the IMB Academy was originally known as the Filipino Kali Academy. Under Head Instructor Richard Bustillo, the IMB Academy has played an important role in the personal development and growth of thousands of students living in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.
The IMB policy believes that no single martial art style is applicable to all students. Students, as individuals, are different in size, physical ability, interest level and goals. Our curriculum includes the close range of Grappling/Brazilian Jujitsu, the striking range of Boxing and Muay Thai (and MMA) and the far range of Kali/Eskrima. We supply you with the three ranges, you practice them--we want you to be able to develop it. We call this Jeet Kune Do, your own personal martial art way. Richard Bustillo, our chief instructor, was a first generation Bruce Lee student, an Olympic certified boxing coach, a Kru in Muay Thai, a 11th degree Black Belt in Eskrima, and the recipient of various Martial Arts Hall of Fame Awards. Located in Torrance, CA and wiith over 10,000 square feet of floor space, including a fully matted main training room, a weight room, and open workout room with a boxing ring, punching, kicking and speed bags, the IMB headquarters in is one of the largest and most complete martial arts facilities. This is the ideal place to train whether you want to learn personal self defense, excel in combat sports (including mixed martial arts/MMA) or simply get a good workout and enjoy the family atmosphere.