Dr. Kenneth K. Huang started his clinic since year 2000, his care involved in car accident injuries, sports injuries, slip and fall accidents etc., This clinic also has an well experienced acupuncturist ( Yan-Xiang Li, L.Ac. ) on site to help with those patients who suffer from migraine headaches, Worker's Comp, infertility, hypertension, symptoms of diabetes, neck and back pains and joints pains. We offer free consultation for both chiropractic and acupuncture services.
Our clinic offers Chiropractic, non-surgical spinal decompression, physiotherapy, modern chiropractic equipment treatment and acupuncture. The combination of professional chiropractic and acupuncture will lead to reducing your pain and restoring your health safely and effectively. Our focus is treating the cause of your symptoms rather than treating the symptoms alone. This allows us to achieve longer lasting correction and relief. Therefore, back pain or Musculoskeletal pain can be significantly reduced or cured in our clinic. Rest assured that our chiropractor and acupuncturist are highly proficient in diagnosing and treating conditions with each patient's particular requirements in mind - we believe that chiropractic treatment can be comfortale as well as effective. So, if you are experiencing recent or chronic pain and are actively looking for a solution, do consider us as your option. Schedule an appointment for a free examination and consultation with no obligation!