In the early twenties waves of Russian immigrants began to arrive at San Francisco and the Sacramento area, especially Bryte. These immigrants, also lured by work and the fact that there was already an established Russian settlement, came from China and Canada. Soon after the arrival of the first of these waves inspiration came of forming a parish and building an Church. In 1925 a blessing was received from Archbishop Alexei for the building of a church and forming a parish. The church was erected in 1927 but construction was not completed until 1929. It was originally a plain wood framed church. The cupolas on the church today are original, but the stained windows and the brick siding were added in later years. Initially, the inside of the church was also modest and plain. It took years and much labor and many donations by friends of the church to bring the church to its current beautiful ornate state. The church was consecrated Bishop of San Francisco Alexis June 16, 1929.
The primary work of our parish continues to be the glorification of God; Testimony on Christ; Confession of the Orthodox Faith; Teaching the Holy Scripture and Church Canons; Teaching the Law of God and church singing; The commission of Divine Services and the oly Sacraments.