We provide two methods of coloic
1-Open System *Libbe*
2-Closed System
What is Colonic?
Colonics, Colon Hydrotherapy, Colon Irrigation are all the same treatment.
Here we will refer to the treatment as a colonic.
A colonic is a safe, gentle procedure of washing the large intestine/colon with pure filtered water. The water hydrates as it begins to loosen and remove excess fecal matter that is congesting the colon.
A Colonic consists of safely & efficiently detoxifying the colon; using a colonic machine & the skills of a Certified Colon Therapist.
The main purpose of colonics is to open up all parts of the colon, for efficient elimination of toxic waste and to restore the peristalsis action of the colon.
We use safe temperature and pressure controlled, purified water, with sterilized disposable Speculum/hoses kit. After each colonic the entire machine is completely sterilized.
We use clean fresh linens for each new client. Actual therapy time is approximately 45 minutes.