Gregory L. Davis, M.D., is a board certified OB/GYN who specializes in gynecology and has his own gynecology practice in Chico . He started the Center for Excellence in Women's Health in the Chico/Paradise area in 1992. This was after completing a residency at Tripler Army Medical Center which was followed by a service obligation at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and then concluded with a four year commitment at Phoenix Indian Medical Center as a payback to the US Public Health Service. Dr. Davis was recruited by Feather River Hospital in 1992 to establish a private practice then moved the practice to Chico in 2005. The Center for Excellence in Women's Health focuses on accurate disease diagnosis and treatment, management of chronic conditions such as Interstitial Cystitis, hormone replacement therapy, painful periods and more.
Specialty Gynecology Practice in Chico, CA The following services are provided by Dr. Davis who is a Board Certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist. * Endometriosis diagnosis and treatment * Complicated Menopausal Management * Evaluation of Abnormal Bleeding * Urinary Urgency and Frequency, diagnosis and treatment of Interstitial Cystitis * Incontinence * Gynecoligic Surgery: Outpatient Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Diagnostic Laparoscopy Endometrial Ablation