Established in 2000, Gravy's mission has always been to assist small business owners in jump starting their businesses. In 2001, we helped form and support Axe Records, brought Chinabooks.com into the digital age of publishing and online sales, and pushed the band Radio Noise towards their most successful year ever culminating in a Best Local Band award in 2002. From there, we expanded to include large cap business consulting, helping Providian improve its policies and procedures directly leading to their sale to WAMU, and First Data Corp's sale to GGR. During the 2000s, we expanded our business and have retained many of our clients for more than 10 years, even through our economic downturn. Subsequent work with Gracenote and Sony in 2008 to implement sound process and prototype for their Consumer Electronics offering has led to more work in the entertainment area. New additions to the client list include Lakeshore Paddleboard Company, 226 Vintage, and many others. See: gravyllc.com
Our consulting firm and stable of dedicated experts focus on your small business or sole proprietorship, and help you level the playing field with bigger companies and bigger budgets. Here's what you get to leverage when you partner with Gravy: 1) stalwart business leaders and technological new traditionalists 2) business systems architects with focus on small businesses 3) award-winning programmers and technical project managers 4) 25 years experience in business application technology and theory 5) specialization in web-delivered solutions and resource management . In short, we give you access to the cutting edge where sound, efficient business practices meet current technological possibilities. Contact us today for a free consultation.