Dr. Grant Babkow has been practicing chiropractic care at our Irvine, CA facility for 6 years. His studies with the Titleist Performance Institute presently make him one of only two medical professionals in Orange County who have attained a Level 3 certification. Dr. Babkow's current practice places a great deal of emphasis on sports-related medical care, including golf-specific fitness, instruction, and rehabilitation.
Chiropractor ART Certified (Active Release Technique) Graston Certified Soft Tissue Specialist FMS Certified (Functional Movement Screen) Lets you perform activities at your potenial. SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Assesment) Allows me to pinpoint your problem area so we can correct it. TPI-Medical 3 (Titlelist Performance Institute) NMR Trained (Neuromuscular Re-Educaion)