Acupuncture is a healing modality that is suitable for just about any health condition, as well as for preventing imbalances and promoting wellness. It is an incredible therapy for treating pain, in fact pain is one of the most common reasons people initially seek acupuncture. Not only does acupuncture relieve pain, but it acts to correct the underlying causes and damage to tissues and structures ensuring that results are long lasting. Acupuncture also has the ability to optimize organ function and biological processes. This includes issues involving digestion, sleep, fertility, urinary issues, anxiety and depression, hormonal issues, immune system function, inflammation, and so much more! Acupuncture points are multi-dimensional in their therapeutic effects, treating different conditions and different areas of the body simultaneously. Acupuncture is generally a comfortable treatment to receive as the needles used are extremely thin. Results are often achieved very quickly, even within the first session.