I received my first camera and started taking photos around the year 2000. From 2000 till 2005 I just shot photos for myself, but learned advanced techniques and camera features. From 2005 onward I started my own photography business and started to book photo sessions for personal clients. People loved my photos and unique style ever since then, so I decided in 2015, after mastering different camera's, and upgrading all my equipment, that its time to take my business to the next leve,l and try and help as many people to get the superior quality photos that they deserve.
My business specializes in creating that picture perfect moment that captures the smallest detail and vividness of every occasion. I make sure to focus on all the small details of the moment to get you the best quality, and most natural behavior in every picture. I also specialize in photoshop to make you that special picture any way that your heart desires.