FASE Productions is a renowned organization based in Pasadena, CA, dedicated to advancing science and education through their wide range of products and resources. Their offerings include the popular instructional television series, FUTURES with Jaime Escalante, which aims to inspire students in grades 9-12 by showcasing the importance of mathematics in various creative and rewarding careers. Additionally, FASE Productions provides the National Math Trail, a staff development program designed to integrate technology into the mathematics curriculum and enhance students' skills and motivation.
Another notable product from FASE Productions is Good Morning Miss Toliver, a widely acclaimed staff development resource that celebrates the teaching profession and emphasizes the belief that all students can learn. With numerous awards to its name, including the George Foster Peabody Award, this profile of Kay Toliver from East Harlem Tech PS 72 has become a highly regarded resource for educators across the country. Furthermore, FASE Productions offers Math... Who Needs It, a program featuring Jaime Escalante and celebrity guests, which aims to dispel the fear of math and highlight its practical applications through inspiring classroom scenes and interviews with professionals in math-related fields.
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