With over 30 years of experience in the child care and kindergartner world, we give you peace of mind that your child's personal well being and development is building for a better future.
Why Choose Fortunai? Because We Have.... All the BENEFITS of Home-Based Child Care with NONE of the DRAWBACKS * Educated/Trained Care Giver * A Structured Schedule And School-Like Environment, * Especially Beneficial For Older Preschoolers In * Preparation For Kindergarten * An Educationally Enriched Curriculum That * Encourages Literacy, Language Development, Social And Emotional Development * Enrichment Activity Opportunities Like Soccer, Dance, * Music And Foreign Language Classes * Substitute Teachers * A Home Like Environment * A Closer Teacher For Child Bonding * Fewer Case Of Illnesses Since Your Child Is Exposed To fewer Children * Mixed Age Groups Allowing For More Sibling Interaction * Better Teacher To Child Ratios * Secured Entrance And State Of The Art Security System