Floating Feather empowers women through holistic healing and wellness. Stephanie (Owner & Spiritual Holistic Practitioner) has over 8 years experience working with her female clientele. She started as a LMT performing body therapy and developed her intuitive knowledge of working with the mind, body & spirit. Floating Feather works with women from all walks of life seeking guidance towards spiritual awareness and deep rooted healing.
Work with women only: Floating Feather empowers women through deep rooted healing and holistic modalities such as: Dreamwork Healing, Intuitive Healing, Crystal Therapy, Sacred Feminine & Womb Healing, and Sacred Motherhood Healing. Each session is customized towards healing old trauma, patterns, beliefs, and stagnant energy within the body. Learning to rebalance and ground the mind, body and soul can bring much healing & new opportunities to life. Catering to women's health & wellness. Excepting female clients at this time.