We started the business from 1982 and keep growing since then. Our office was located on Magnolia Street but we moved to Bolsa on 2012. In 2013, we started to sell Covered California - Obamacare health insurance. In 2014, we expand the business to filing individual & business tax return commercially. In 2015, notary service and legalization services were added In 2016, loan officers and mortgage realtors joined our team. We had more than 30+ loans close our first year In 2020, our office was remodeled and refreshed
Your one-stop-shop for affordable health insurance & tax preparation at a reasonable cost. Our tax return start rate is $20. Our customer service is highly rated and is super in resolving your concerns. We open year-round and 7 days a week on peak seasons of Obamacare and Tax. We also provide Loan & Real Estate services and Living Trust planning.