Launched in the Summer of 2012, Filmkik (originally named Cocoa Video Productions) began working with Silicon Valley companies to ignite participation through the power of video. Our mission is to make sure that whatever vision drove you here gets produced and exceeds your expectations. We understand that video is just the means to an end. Your video should create the impact you set out to achieve and that purpose is what drives our focus during production.
Filmkik is a video and animation production company in Silicon Valley. Our team is assembled to suit your needs. Drawing from an incredibly talented pool of local cinematographers, animators, writers, sound designers, editors and actors, your production will count on the talent you need when you need them. Our specialties include: Youtube Animation Inforgraphics Featurettes Recruitment Videos Business Profiles Sizzle Reels Education & Training Consumer Reviews Microsite Splash Videos Testimonials Email Marketing