The business started originally in 1970 and then was sold in 1985 to myself (Dr Lind) and it continues to help those with spinal mechanical issues, but has also grown to help individuals with chronic conditions and to get to the underlying reasons for their degenerative state. I use Nutrition, homeopathy, chinese herbal remedies, emotional release techiques. I always ensure the body is regulating an optimal nerve flow and voltage through the body through chiropractic healing techniques.
Dr. Lind specializes in alternative medicine and wellness treatments including chiropractic, diet, homeopathy, massage, nutrition, acupressure reflex work, neuro-emotional techniques, mind-body alignment, light therapy, and energy medicine. Conditions such as poor body performance, chronic pain and fatigue, degenerative disease, allergies, infections, hormonal problems, digestive and respiratory disorders, terrain alterations, toxin accumulation, pH imbalances, and energy blockages are being successfully treated.