In the 1970s, community support services were severely lacking for those providing long term care for loved ones suffering from certain debilitating diseases. A small task force of families formed in San Francisco whose early efforts included: the formation of Family Caregiver Alliance, the launch of California's network of Caregiver Resource Centers, and the start of a national movement recognizing the contribution of family caregivers to the long-term care of ill and elderly in the U.S. Uniting research, policy and practice, FCA established the National Center on Caregiving to advance the development of policies and cost-effective programs supporting caregivers in every state. FCA oversees Link2Care, an online resource for clients of California's system of Caregiver Resource Centers, and operates the Bay Area Caregiver Resource Center. FCA's counselors work with families and help develop the services, classes and publications that make FCA an essential resource for caregivers.
As a public voice for Caregivers, FCA champions their cause through education, services, research, and advocacy. FCA programs and services are designed to help caregivers provide the best possible care to loved ones, while also focusing on their own well-being.