Eucharist Church began as a Christian, non-denominational church started in 2010. After a several year journey as such, it began a transition toward the Anglican Church in North America in 2014. In the Fall of 2015 a new Eucharist Church emerged with a fresh vision, a new core community, and a new team / staff. Throughout 2016, Eucharist Church began to grow and develop into what it is now becoming: a beautiful, Christ-centered community of disciples who desire to live all of life in reference to Christ.
Eucharist Church is a congregation in San Francisco connecting ancient forms of worship and classic Christian faith to the lives of 21st-century people. We are a church in the process of getting launched throughout 2016. We have worship every Sunday at 10:00am each Sunday. Check out our website for upcoming events and information. Our mission: to be formed into a community of disciples who live all of life in reference to Christ. We're a three-stream church: Evangelical, charismatic and sacramental... all three streams reinforce each other. Our church is affiliated with the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).