Elmwood Studios is a renowned media production company based in Corte Madera, CA, specializing in the creation of captivating and content-rich documentary media projects. Founded by Thomas Luehrsen in 1984, the studio has gained recognition for its expertise in traditional film and video production, as well as interactive multimedia design. With an extensive portfolio spanning feature films, TV commercials, and educational videos across North America, Europe, and Asia, Elmwood Studios is known for its innovative approach and ability to manage creative and technical teams.
Thomas Luehrsen, the founder of Elmwood Studios, is a highly regarded figure in the industry, having established himself as an expert, author, and lecturer on interactive multimedia design and digital video. As a pioneer in the field, Luehrsen was the first full-time producer of interactive media at the Voyager Company, renowned for its Criterion Collection series of DVDs and laserdiscs. His award-winning projects, such as the interactive documentary "Exploring the Lost Maya" and the groundbreaking CD ROM "I Photograph to Remember," have received acclaim from both critics and industry publications. Additionally, Luehrsen has shared his knowledge and expertise by teaching digital video and multimedia classes at esteemed institutions like San Francisco State University and the University of California at Berkeley Extension.
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