Friends of the El Cerrito Library is a library-support organization that raises funds through book sales and membership dues to provide the El Cerrito Library with books, magazines, tapes and CDs. It also provides matching grants for special collections and helps support the library's variety of cultural and educational programs for adults and children.
The organization also accepts donations of books, records, videos, books on tape, audio casettes and CD-Roms. It also accepts magazines that are less than one year old. It does not accept Reader's Digest condensed books, books in poor condition, or textbooks other than math or science. Donations may be made at the library during hours when the library is open. Those who wish to donate are asked not to leave materials outside the door or deposit them in the book drop. Pick-up arrangements may be possible for large donations.
Volunteers are welcome to help with tasks associated with book sales, including pick-up, sales, phone and sorting. The Board of Directors of Friends of the El Cerrito Library meets at the library on the second Tuesday of each month at 4pm. Meetings are open to the public.