In 1946, a small group of parents in Los Angeles pooled their resources to create a daycare program for their children with developmental disabilities. The Exceptional Children's Foundation (ECF) has become a recognized innovator of services for young children, students, and adults with developmental, learning, and emotional disabilities; and ECF serves more than 3,500 young children, students, adults, and their families each year. ECF is the only organization of its kind in California, offering a full continuum of lifespan services for children and adults with developmental disabilities and other special needs.
We provide large and custom-sized stretched canvases, canvas framing and dry mounting. Custom sizes/shapes and bulk orders are available. ECF Art Supplies are available through the Art Centers program of the Exceptional Children's Foundation. ECF Art Supplies employs adults with disabilities to produce hand-stretched canvases and panels for sale at art supply stores and to professional artists across the United States.