F.M.Alexander (1869-1955) developed his Technique in 1897. In the past 40 years, Dominique Jacques, a Clinical Psychologist and Alexander Technique Teacher, taught the Technique to thousands of people from all walks of life. First in Europe in 1976, then Australia where she trained teachers and since 1991 in the US. She presently has 2 practices: In Palo Alto and Menlo Park.
One on one customized sessions for Posture, Pain relief (Neck, Back, Knees), Stress Management and Performance using the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique is a revolutionary, non-invasive, drug-free technique. A hands-on method that teaches you how to use your body properly and access natural state of ease and natural movement. You will: - Sit and stand upright with ease. - Manage and relieve your pain: back, neck, knees. - Recover faster from injuries. - Known how to calm your nervous system. - Release tensions. - Optimize your Athletic and Musical Performance. - Experience and learn mindfulness in your everyday activities. - Feel comfortable and great in your body - Look younger immediately!