My beginnings in the arts and marketing field were humble. I worked as an illustrator in a small studio in Vancouver BC, Canada. Right out of high school I was hired as a shop helper and illustrator. Moving on I went further into the sign industry working in shops from sign maker to manager over a short period of time. Specialties included silkscreening, routing, painting, finishing and installing. From those foundations I went into traditional and computer assisted design, working in the art room of the world's largest Neon producer. From there, in 2000 I moved to Santa Rosa and went into print design and prepress. Here, I learned extremely valuable skills that reshaped my design abilities to understanding fundamental rules of paper and printing presses. This sets me apart from many designers. In 2007 I took Dave Rogers Design from free lance to full time and have really enjoyed growing the business solely by word of mouth and referral advertising.
Excellence in Graphic Design, Printing & Signs of all kinds. Dave Rogers Design specializes in door to door customer service with the goal of saving the client time and energy while ensuring competitive rates at the same time. Dave has been a graphic designer and sign maker for 23 years with a love for printed works and creative signs.