Led by Chief Don Pedersen, the Culver City Police Department consists of 110 sworn officers and 50 staff members dedicated to keeping the residents, businesses and visitors of Culver City safe.
The Culver City Police Department is separated into three Bureaus.
- The Patrol Bureau (Captain Dave Tankenson) manages field operations, patrol, and the City jail.
- The Traffic Bureau (Captain Chris Gutierrez) includes motor officers, accident investigation, commercial traffic enforcement, parking enforcement, automated red light camera program, information technology, community and media relations, communications/dispatch, animal services, reserve officer corps, department volunteers.
- Investigation/Administration (Assistant Chief of Police Scott Bixby) manages budget/grants, detectives, the crime impact team, identification, property, personnel and training and records.
- The Professional Standards Unit works out of the Chief of Police's office and handles internal affairs for the police department.
Each Captain and the Assistant Chief reports to the Chief of Police.